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Writer's pictureRachel Hunter

What's your vision for 2022?

How would you like this year to look? If you could create your very best life what would it be like?

Think mood board but instead of creating the room with the colours, textures, and furnishings think of a vision of your life and how you'd like it to look.

I create a *vision board each year, I choose all of the things I’d like to create for myself, as a woman in my business or personally as a woman, wife, and mother. I sit with a whole host of magazines, a glue stick, and a pair of scissors and enjoy looking for images, words, and numbers that resonate with me for whatever reason.

It’s something I’ve done for a few years now and the very first year I was a bit cautious, could I seriously have the things I visualised, the answer plain and simple is, yes. It's not magic, I strongly believe in the Law of Attraction, I work extremely hard and the vision board is a constant reminder to encourage me in the right direction.

On my very first board, I had a picture of a Greek island, also images of London, another favorite place of mine. I went to London and Zante, I wanted to read ‘becoming” by Michelle Obama so had an image of her book cover (the smaller things are just as important) and really stepped out of my comfort zone by adding a picture of a car with car keys, that would be the real test and here's why.

I’d had R&R Therapy for less than 5 years, business was growing slowly and steadily because I’d had two quite serious accidents in 2016 & 2017 which forced me to temporarily close for months following each mishap, so funds were tight and the chance of affording a new (second hand) car was very slim.

When I stuck the image of the car on my board I didn't pay any attention to the model, it was small and blue. By September I still didn’t have a car! My old one was 10 years old and after spending £400 on repairs I really, really felt it was time to let it go. So, I thought I needed to be more specific, the small, blue car wasn't quite enough.

I liked Citroen C3’s and whilst on the road one day, spotted a white one, it really caught my eye so decided that instead of just a car, I now wanted a white C3, to cut the story short, I mentioned to the garage owner (on another visit) that I was looking to change cars and would he keep an eye open for me, as long as it was a small one I'd keep my options open.

He contacted me in early December to say his wife was selling her car, I could have the first refusal, It was a C3! On December 22nd I took delivery of a car I hadn’t even seen, hadn’t driven

( it had belonged to the wife of a garage owner, I knew it would be a solid, safe little car),and guess what? It was white!

So does a vision board work, absolutely! Would you like to learn more? You can join me and create one with a small group of friendly women, making time for yourself, have a natter and a cuppa whilst being creative. I’ll be providing all you need in Feb (an evening date to be decided) and the cost for the session will be £25

Feel free to email me at with any queries

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